Modernize licensing, permitting, and inspection processes with Cloud SynApps’ flexible, scalable solution designed to enhance collaboration and improve efficiency.
Licensing, permitting, and inspection procedures throughout North America are burdened by outdated legacy systems. These aging systems hinder collaboration and contribute to lengthy delays in issuing and renewing licenses and permits. In response to these challenges, there is a growing call from both citizens and government agencies for a modern, user-friendly solution that can be easily configured and maintained. Cloud SynApps’ Licensing, Permitting & Inspections Solution is built on Salesforce Public Sector Solutions (PSS). It is ideal for state and local agencies looking to deploy a flexible and scalable platform quickly, in order to modernize constituent services.
Core Features of our Licensing, permitting, and inspection Solution
Business Licenses:
Salons, childcare centers, and clinics are
a few examples of businesses that need
licenses to operate.
Public Permits:
Permits needed for a carport, garage,
gazebo, solar system, fence, and so
Recreational Licenses & Permits:
Our solution expedites license processes
for hunting, fishing, and/or using a public
facility such as a park or campground.
Project-based Permits:
Our solution can manage large,
intricate projects, and handle multiple
permit issuance and case management
processes within a single platform.
Building Permits:
Constructing a residential or commercial
building requires a building permit to
ensure construction code compliance.
Health Inspections:
Our solution can facilitate the seamless
tracking of routine inspections for
healthcare facilities and delivery